Does Reason Always Offer an Answer?
I think of myself as rational. This means (as I conceive rationality) that if the facts tell me that the way to achieve what I desire is to do x , then I am thereby motivated to do x. (Note well: Reason is not inherently egoistic; I could just as well be reasoning about how to fulfill my desire to help others. Also, “what I desire” refers to all things considered , and I am motivated to do x other things equal .) For example, if I read at a reputable blog that dimming the lights is a way to induce sleep, then if I want to fall asleep, I dim the lights. But what if I’m in an environment where I can’t dim the lights but I want to fall asleep? I could of course close my eyes. But maybe I’m not sleepy yet and was hoping to read myself to sleep. Can reason always be relied on to provide a solution of some sort? It would seem not. Reason may tell you to jump from a burning building, but has it anything to say once you ...